

Being Thankful for the Little Things

Too often in life, we get distracted by the things we WANT and don’t appreciate the things we already have. It’s not a difficult concept, reflecting on the blessings in our lives. But, more often than not, this practice is one that gets set aside in lieu of the want...

When Knowing Too Much is a Bad Thing

We’ve all experienced it… Getting stuck in a corner with someone who continuously rambles on about some tedious topic they think is fascinating when, in fact, you know it is just the absolute dullest thing you’ve ever listened to. “You see, the Titanic’s fourth funnel was actually  artificial and had...

How Productizing Your Services Could Help Raise Revenues

There are many methods at any good marketing team’s disposal to help a client promote their business. Today, however, I want to talk about one proven strategy that has a strong track record of helping many businesses better promote their services to an audience that grows more reliant on the...

How One Ad Campaign Could Change Your Business FOREVER!

Got Milk?  Where’s the beef?  Is it time to make the doughnuts?  People have been asking these questions for decades. Why? Because a clever marketing team asked them first.  You see, these words are more than simple questions.  These words are the end results of hours and hours of market...

When It’s Okay to Ask for Help

As a leader in your industry, you are well aware of the responsibilities that come with a position of high authority. You are also aware of what responsibilities you can handle yourself and which others you aren’t as comfortable trying to tackle. You see, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. It doesn’t matter...

How Fear Could Help You Run a Better Business

I think it’s safe to say the past couple years will mostly be remembered as the time of Covid.  Through 2020 and into 2021, as the virus continued to spread and government mandates continued to stifle organic economic growth, many business leaders were forced to contemplate one of their worst...

Why Small Businesses Matter Now More Than Ever

Today, the world is a very loud and fast place.  … And with everyone on the go, the niceties we once took for granted seem all too often to get trampled under our constantly moving feet.  But it wasn’t always like this...  Once upon a time, the customer came first! ...

Promoting Your Business Has Never Been So Simple!

Across the globe, employers continue to ask themselves how they can be expected to produce MORE in a world that continues to offer them LESS.  With the bottom line continuing to be cut, with the decline of the U.S. dollar, and with the list of eligible employees continuing to shrink...

Brick and Mortar vs E-Commerce

The battle between brick and mortar versus E-Commerce has been one of the most intense arguments in business. How do we stop E-commerce from stealing all of our profit? How do we maintain our flow of customers to ensure that we have consistent revenue to drive growth? The reality of...

4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Hire a Marketing Manager

Business owners are quickly realizing how important it is to build their digital presence in 2022. They’re also learning how complicated and time consuming digital advertising has become. So, it’s not surprising we’re seeing a lot of ads for marketing managers this year.What is surprising, however, is how much these...