Industry Pioneers: How We Can All Benefit from the Rise of Today’s Small Businesses

The rise of small businesses we’ve seen over the past few years should excite you.
If you’re a small business owner, you understand this.
If, however, you’re a seasoned professional in today’s industry, make note… This influx of small businesses over the past few years has provided fellow entrepreneurs with an opportunity that needs to be taken advantage of.
The trick is knowing exactly how everyone can benefit…
You see, the business world can be a tough place.
Behind all the products and services this vital industry provides are people.
… And where there’s people, there’s bound to be drama.
For every major player we see, there were several more that didn’t make it. That’s just an unfortunate reality in the business world.
The interesting thing, though, is that we never really do know which one of the latest startups fit into which of those categories – SUCCESSES or FAILURES.
What we do know, however, is that any business CAN benefit – and even profit — from the risks of today’s struggling startup.
Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover
Let me speak, for a moment, to the individuals out there who have already built their stable business empire…
“Everybody has to start somewhere…” We’ve heard it before.
This is especially true in the business world.
Today’s start-up could be tomorrow’s powerhouse.
After all, Apple was started in Steve Job’s garage. Anyone who didn’t take him seriously then is certainly regretting that decision today as AAPL tops out at $164.79 a share!
There’s TONS of stories like this…
Could you imagine a used book seller being worth $119.33 billion?
Well, that’s exactly what happened to Jeff Bezos when he founded his online used bookstore called
(I could go on with examples, but I’ll spare you my vast amounts of useless knowledge…)
The point that I’m trying to make here is that we never know when someone is going to have the next great idea and see their business take off.
It could be you, it could be me, or it could be neither of us. That’s just the way of the world.
What we DON’T want to do, as business leaders ourselves, is to dismiss the little guy that just opened his small business down the road simply because you think he’s not worth your “executive level” time.
Think about it, I’m sure there were plenty of potential investors who ran for the hills as soon as Steve Jobs asked them to have a meeting in his original board room (AKA the garage he kept his spare boards in…) I wonder where those executives are today.
I can tell you where they are NOT, and that’s in Apple’s CURRENT board room.
Get my point?
The goal here is to be smart with your investments. Review business models, listen to the sales pitch, basically look at what is being offered from a business standpoint, rather than judge the book by its cover.
After all, as we’ve seen above, these small startups could turn into the next Apple and Amazon.
Now, I know, I know… The chances of connecting with the next Steve Jobs are slim, but don’t worry. This isn’t the only way you and your business could benefit from being friendly with today’s startups.
How Small Businesses Can Benefit Everyone
What’s one thing a new startup has that perhaps some of the bigger more established companies on the block don’t?
If you answered ingenuity, you just might be right!
You see, though they might still try, someone that’s already established themselves as a major player in an industry no longer has to work to “prove themselves” to their peers.
This is not true, however, with startups.
Someone just starting out is CONSTANTLY looking for new and inventive ways to make their mark in their field.
That’s where you can begin to benefit.
You see, startups can be great sources of innovation and collaboration as they work to develop new technologies and business models to help solve the challenges of our time.
In addition, these entrepreneurs are always looking to meet new people and expand their network, which means, even if they don’t become a success, perhaps a connection of theirs will!
… And, when the time comes that YOU might need something, those valuable connections of your connection are just a couple of phone calls away.
A Brief Segue…
Now, so far, this article has been directed to those of you out there who have already successfully made your mark.
… But, as a general audience, we understand that may not currently be your story.
So, let’s take a look at this situation from a small business point of view and explain why – as a small business yourself — your efforts can be just as valuable to you as they are to your connections.
Turning the Tables
We’ve all been there… You have a great idea for a business but are having a hard time getting things up and running.
After all, with literally millions of businesses vying for everyone else’s attention nowadays, you definitely have your work cut out for you to get noticed by the people you care about.
… And as you work to build your business and your rolodex (is that still a thing?), along the way, you get to know people in the industry and find out what they can – and perhaps more importantly can’t – do.
If you can then take that information and work your pioneering magic to create something the industry needs, you’ll soon find the connections will start coming to YOU, instead of the other way around.
And when the day does finally come where your business becomes an asset to your field, you’ll realize those partners from the past have slowly become lasting and invaluable industry ties to your business’s health.
… And they lived happily ever after! (I just had to throw that in…)
Now, unfortunately, this method of success really does rely on YOU.
You’re the one that’s going to have to come up with that great idea that takes the world by storm. We can’t do that for you.
What we CAN do, however, is reassure you that there is ALWAYS a market for great ideas and creative solutions.
If you are willing to take the risks (which being a small business owner, I’m sure you are) and are up for the challenge, the only thing really standing in the way of your success are your own limits.
… and, in order to take your business to that next level, you may just have to find out what those limits are and get rid of them.
The Wrap Up
Folks, very seldom does someone do something completely alone.
Often, it’s a team of people whose group collaboration and efforts turn dreams into realities.
No matter which side of the spectrum you find yourself on today, whether a startup or a success, you’ll find teamwork to be a valuable commodity in the growth and expansion of your business.
… And as soon as you realize that you have just as much to offer the competition as they do to you, the less threatening they’ll become and more valuable they’ll be.
P.S. We here at Rain Digital understand the struggles being faced by today’s small business.
After all, by some, we are considered a small business ourselves!
That’s why we’re proud to offer our services to companies of ALL sizes, big and small.
… And, if you yourself are a small business, then teaming up with Rain Digital could be just what you need to bring your company up to par with your competition.
Rain Digital’s team of experienced and knowledgeable marketers are ready and waiting to let the world know what you have to offer by promoting your product or services in the most effective ways possible.
You have a great business! Don’t you think it’s time you let the world in on that secret?
Let Rain Digital help you get the support and success you deserve.