
If a Picture’s Worth 1000 Words, How Much Can I Get for a Video?

Humans are visual beings. We are physically programmed to react to shapes, color and light. 

This has been true since the dawn of man. 

It naturally wasn’t long, then, until someone found a way to make money off of this fact, and that’s the moment the advertising industry was born! 

Now, it must be said that the methods to our marketing madness have certainly been altered over the years, at the end of the day, our goal remains the same… To get a customer’s attention! 

But how do you successfully accomplish this in a world where the population’s attention span continues to shrink year after year? 

It used to be that news segments were 30 minutes long with a journalistic approach. Now, they’ve resorted to 3 minute (or less) TikToks.

Advertising slots for commercials used to be up to a minute. Now they’re 10 second YouTube clips. 

You see, today’s audiences need results immediately or they will lose interest entirely. That’s why advertisers continue to try to do what they can to stand out from the crowd and gain the eyes of their customers. 

… And as that customer base continues to remove itself from the real world and burrow itself into the digital world, the popularity of advertising via these online outlets has absolutely exploded. 

As this form of advertising continues to grow in popularity, so too does its budget, which could reach a whopping $120 billion by the year 2024! 

A recent study by NogenTech found that, when it comes to online advertising, 91% of marketers are using video content in 2023. That’s a HUGE number of companies trying to get the attention of someone who just wants to watch cute puppy videos on YouTube. 

But don’t let the term “video advertising” give you the impression that we’re just talking about a filmed commercial anymore. Oh no, we’re far from those days. Sure, you’ll get those too, but they may also come in many other forms. In reality, a “video advertisement” is a broader term than it may initially seem, basically referring to any form of promotion that utilizes a video player, such as a banner ad. 

And as the availability of digital promotions becomes more and more accessible to companies of all shapes and sizes across the globe, we can most certainly expect this industry to expand even more in the months and years ahead.

Though such technical steps may seem daunting to the unexperienced business owner at first, the process of initiating or expanding a company’s online presence is actually much simpler than you might think. 

In fact, one might argue that a digital marketing campaign, once considered a luxury for larger corporations, is actually now a necessity for businesses of ANY size. 

… And with video being one of the most impactful advertising formats available today, there is no reason any serious company should not at least consider using it. 

Not only is it a great way to clearly communicate and build a relationship with your customers, but it allows you to tell your story in a clearly scannable way while simultaneously leveraging a full range of targeting options. 

The Wrap Up

Things certainly have come a long way since the idea of mass marketing came to fruition all those years ago. 

… And though we have many tools at our disposal today, we shouldn’t fool ourselves into thinking that we have reached the pinnacle of our capabilities. 

Today’s marketing strategies look a great deal different than yesterday’s, but then there’s always tomorrow. 

And as the years pass and our methods of communicating and selling change, we too must work to grow with the times. 

After all, by holding back a business’s development by not fully utilizing the tools and abilities at our disposal, we stifle its growth and end up causing irreparable damage. 

Just one more thing for today’s savvy business owner to worry about as we move deeper into the very competitive — and tech savvy — 21st century. 

P.S. If you’re working to get a business up and running, but have yet to take that big step into the digital marketing world, we urge you to reach out Rain Digital today. 

Our team’s years of marketing experience are just what you and your business need to get in front of the people that matter to you the most – YOUR CUSTOMERS! 

… And with our help, you could see your business transform from a struggling start up to the success story of your dreams. 

Don’t sit around and let opportunity pass you over. If you’re interested in making sure your business survives until tomorrow, then take the steps that are necessary today and give Rain Digital a call. 

It’s a small step to take for such a large impact…