How the Color Wheel Could Help Make You Money

Let’s play a little branding game…
If I were to ask you what color you associate with WALMART, what would you say?
(Jeopardy theme…)
Ready? If you were thinking BLUE, you’re not alone!
Why is this? Well, because pretty much everything branded for the company has some shade of blue attached.
Do you think this was an accident?
Of course not!
So why all the blue?
We’ll get to that in a minute.
Let’s try this a different way.
This time, I’m going to GIVE you a color and I want you to think of all the companies you associate it with.
Here we go… RED.
(Tick, tock, tick, tock…)
Do you have an answer? You should, there are several. Just to name a few, Coca Cola, CNN, Netflix, KFC, TARGET, etc.
As you can see, there are many companies we could list that we associate with this specific color.
Okay, okay, I’m sure you’re getting tired of the color game, so let me get to the point.
When it comes to marketing and branding your company, it’s important to come at it from all angles.
Companies like the ones listed above know this to be true. That’s why you are just as likely to see an ad for Coca Cola in a magazine as you are on a billboard or on your television.
Color is merely the most basic way for a company to hone its image and establish itself in your mind.
Not to mention the global reach color has. The color RED is the same for someone in the United States as it is for someone in Germany or Japan. (I know, I know, unless their color blind. There’s always one reader who has to be the smart guy…)
For most, color is the universal language.
… And that’s why most major companies work so hard to establish themselves with a color. So, when you see it, you think of them.
Folks, the people over at WALMART WANT you to think of their store when you see blue!
If your mind immediately thinks of WALMART when you see something as common as the color blue, then that means their marketing efforts have been successful. (… And you have a shopping addiction.)
Companies like WALMART, Netflix and TARGET spend millions upon millions of dollars a year on branding and advertising, doing whatever they can to make their company come to your mind first when you go out looking for a new pair of pants or that latest New York Times best seller.
… And color is merely ONE of the hundreds of ways they work to get your attention.
We haven’t even gotten into the power of logos, mascots and slogans! (Maybe that’s a topic for next week…)
Really, there’s no end to the way a successful marketing campaign or branding strategy can help a company get noticed.
After all, in the end, their goal is to be the loudest voice in the room.
… And when the room consists of nothing but companies asking for your money, you can be sure of one thing… that room is going to be crowded.
P.S. If you’re interested in building out your company’s image through the latest digital marketing techniques, make sure to give Rain Digital a call.
Our team of marketing professionals are here to utilize their years of combined promotional experience to make sure your brand gets in front of the people that really matter… YOUR CUSTOMERS.
Don’t wait to take your business to the next level. Let Rain Digital help 2023 be the year your business transforms into the success story you’ve always dreamt it could be.