Creating a Successful Email Campaign

There’s an old saying in car dealerships that a customer doesn’t walk onto the lot if they aren’t interested in buying.
It’s a clichéd saying, but it’s usually true.
This philosophy does not only apply to car lots, though.
In fact, the basic idea being suggested here can be applied to almost any sales situation.
When it comes to online sales, for example, anyone who gives their email out to receive more information is “walking on the lot.”
And it’s that potential customer that you’re going to want to hone-in on and spend some time talking to.
After all, getting that email address is one of the largest hurdles you’re going to have to jump! Once you’ve got that, you’re certainly going to want to take advantage of it.
So, once you have that coveted email address, you can finally begin your email campaign.
And that’s where the real fun begins…
A Brief Review
Last week we discussed the different types of email campaigns, when they should be used and the components each one should have. (READ ARTICLE HERE)
This week, we’re going one step further into this email deep dive and laying out the specifics of a successful campaign and how you can implement these same tactics to benefit your company.
Getting Your Campaign Started
In that first email, you’re going to want to make sure to deliver whatever content you promised the customer when they gave you their email address.
In general, the email should be short and sweet and not try to sell anything (that comes later.)
It’s also a good idea to add something to this email that makes your company stand out from the competition. This is where your marketing team can help you come up with a great line or two about who you are and what you represent.
The Second Email
It’s also a good idea to add something to this email that makes your company stand out from the competition. This is where your marketing team can help you come up with a great line or two about who you are and what you represent.
Third Time’s the Charm!
Your third email is going to be short and to the point.
It’s here where you want to offer yet another helpful piece of information or a potential discount on a service you can provide.
The key here is working to continue building those relationships.
Overcoming the Objection
Alright, you’ve established a connection with your customers, and you’ve offered them valuable content. You’ve done well. And, by this point, most readers are probably eagerly awaiting what you have to say next.
There will be, however, those few individuals who are still hesitating to move forward. Don’t worry. There hesitation is natural. After all, there are lots of people trying to scam each other in this world.
Our job now becomes making sure your customer knows you are NOT one of those people!
We want them to know you are truly offering something unique and useful!
This is the task we need to tackle in the fourth email.
Whatever the customer’s excuse might, we need to make sure this email does what’s necessary to get passed it.
A good rule of thumb is to take the most common concern your buyers have noted to you in the past, and center your email around this.
If you can do this, they’ll be more likely to reach out.
What’s a Paradigm Shift?
In this instance, we need to introduce language into our send that convinces the reader to change their way of thinking. (“You used to think this, but now you should think this way.”)
It’s in this email that you’re able to change your strategy a bit.
After all, if four emails haven’t done it, then let’s try something different in the fifth.
Don’t change things up so much that it scares away those you’ve already taken on.
Change it up just enough to make these lingering readers look at you a little differently.
The Big Show
You’ve now sent out five well thought out emails and are now to the main event… The sales pitch!
Now is when you need to get down to the nitty gritty facts of why you are sending these emails.
You want them as a customer.
They know you want them as a customer.
Now it’s time to ask them to move forward.
If you’ve successfully completed the previous six emails, your chances of following through on this send should be great!
You’ve completed all the steps and now, either they are going to buy, or they aren’t.
It’s true, you can’t win them all, but you should see much more success by implementing this strategy than failure.
… and that means more customers and more profits for you.
Well done!
P.S. If you’d like help getting your email campaign off and running, give the Rain Digital team a call.
Their resources and years of combined marketing experience are here to help you and your business thrive in 2023!