

The Best of Both Worlds: Traditional Marketing in the Digital Age

We’ve seen many articles over the past several decades asking readers to embrace the changes that come with the passing of time. (Heck, we’re guilty of writing some along those lines ourselves!) It’s only natural that, as time progresses and new ways to tackle old tasks continue to present themselves,...

How the Color Wheel Could Help Make You Money

Let’s play a little branding game… If I were to ask you what color you associate with WALMART, what would you say? (Jeopardy theme…) Ready? If you were thinking BLUE, you’re not alone! Why is this? Well, because pretty much everything branded for the company has some shade of blue...

How Spending More on Marketing Could Actually SAVE You Money

Today’s tough economic environment has led many business leaders to look for ways to increase their output while decreasing overall expenses.Often, this leads them right to the marketing department’s doorstep.Now, there are two outcomes to this scenario…They come to the marketing department and see an area of the business that...

FORBES: Major Shift Towards Digital Marketing Expected in 2023

Times are tough. This is no secret. Prices are rising, materials are limited, shipping is becoming more difficult… Ultimately, things just haven’t been the same since the beginning of 2020. And the worst part is, it may be quite some time before they return to our pre-covid definition of normalcy...

Creating a Successful Email Campaign

There’s an old saying in car dealerships that a customer doesn’t walk onto the lot if they aren’t interested in buying. It’s a clichéd saying, but it’s usually true. This philosophy does not only apply to car lots, though. In fact, the basic idea being suggested here can be applied...

Getting the Most Out of Your Email Campaign

If you’re in the business or marketing world, chances are you are familiar with what an email campaign is and the value it has. If you are new to this area, however, allow me to briefly explain. An email campaign is a series of messages sent out to a subscription...

7 Simple Tips to Improve Your Website

Running a business is a difficult thing.There are so many obstacles business leaders need to jump through to be successful in, not just starting a business, but maintaining it.One such obstacle is creating and maintaining a website.Many businesses fall victim to the common mistake of thinking that if they develop...

3 Helpful Tips to Transform Your Digital Ads

Looking to increase your digital ad output but don’t know where to start? These three simple tips could be the difference between your site’s failure or success. Tip #1: Know Your Audience This tip can be used in conjunction with any creative endeavor but is just as – if not...

Are You Prepared for the Cold Days Ahead?

It’s no secret that running your own business has its ups and downs. When times are good, you’re on top of the world. But, when times are bad, reality kicks back in and you realize just how much responsibility is sitting on your shoulders. Nobody wishes for down moments like...

The Ultimate Catch 22 for Business Owners

Running a business can be tricky… Time and time again, we’ve seen struggling business owners put their marketing needs on hold believing promotion is a step in their business model that can wait another month or two until greater revenues return.                  ...