Getting the Most Out of Your Email Campaign

If you’re in the business or marketing world, chances are you are familiar with what an email campaign is and the value it has.
If you are new to this area, however, allow me to briefly explain.
An email campaign is a series of messages sent out to a subscription list or potential customers that reminds them who you and your business are, what you do, and what services or products you can offer.
Simple enough, right? Well, yes and no.
Yes, it can be simple to send out a few emails asking people to buy something. That’s not hard. If that’s all you want to do, there’s no reason for you to read any more of this article.
If, on the other hand, you’re interested in learning the best way to utilize an email campaign that will produce new customers and make you higher revenues, make sure to keep reading.
Types of Email Campaigns
There are two types of email campaigns:
- The Nurture Campaign – A series of emails that introduces people to your brand, adds value and helps them get to know and trust you.
- The Sales Campaign – A series of emails designed to hard sell your customers on a specific product or service.
Both strategies hold great value when implemented correctly, and yet, both have very different goals.
A Nurture Campaign
A nurture campaign is not bold.
By that I mean, this is not where you push the hard sell.
Rather, the goal is to make sure your customer sees you as an expert in your particular field and will look to you to solve their problems.
This is a series of targeted sales-focused emails being sent directly to anyone who has opted in for a lead-generator.
We’re talking about relationship building here.
By completing this checklist in your nurture email campaign, you will have established a strong relationship built on communication and trust with your customers while convincing them of your expertise in the field.
What does this do?
With any luck, when the time finally comes for them to buy, who else are they going to think of but you?
A Sales Campaign
A sales campaign is a little different.
With a sales campaign, you’re hoping to finally close the deal.
This is where you implement the hard sell.
This means you will need to create emails that, not only introduce yourself and your business to the client but work to overcome any initial objections they might have, explain your customers problem, explain why you are the person to solve said problem and share any success stories or testimonials you might have.
To accomplish this, you need to:
- define the problem you plan to solve
- tell the story of successfully solving the problem for another client
- work to overcome the customer’s natural urge to resist
- offer a limited-time bonus
- make sure they know your offer won’t last forever
Laying this list out in front of your customer should make them to realize that, in order for their lingering problem to be solved, they NEED your services and, if they want your help, they will need to act quickly before the offer is taken off the table.
A forceful strategy, to be sure, but a very effective one that has proven its success time and time again.
It Doesn't End There...
Yes, this is a lot of information. It will be time consuming to successfully accomplish all of this.
But the value here is endless! And, if done correctly, you will have informed your customers of who you are, what you do, and why it is you’re an expert.
You will have built a strong relationship, established trust, and solidified yourself as a person they need in their life.
All from a simple email campaign.
The fun doesn’t stop there, though…
Check back next week for Part 2 of this article where we will share detailed examples of these strategies that you can use as a blueprint to help you and your business build your own successful email campaigns.
See you then!
P.S. If you’d like help getting your email campaign off and running, give the Rain Digital team a call.
Their resources and years of combined marketing experience are here to help you and your business thrive in 2023!