3 Helpful Tips to Transform Your Digital Ads

Looking to increase your digital ad output but don’t know where to start? These three simple tips could be the difference between your site’s failure or success.
Tip #1: Know Your Audience
This tip can be used in conjunction with any creative endeavor but is just as – if not more — important when creating a successful ad campaign.
An ad’s main objective is, of course, to inform any potential visitors. Whether that be for educational, entertainment or promotional purposes, an ad’s goal is to get the word out.
And, in order to successfully achieve this task, you first need to know who it is you plan on talking to.
As an example, if you’re trying to reach a vegan audience to promote your new restaurant, it’s very unlikely that you’ll have pictures of cattle or poultry on your promotion. Instead, you might have pictures of fresh vegetables, gardens, fields, etc.
Know your audience. Know what interests them and, if you’re business minded, what will trigger them to reach for their checkbook.
Tip #2: Have a Direct Call to Action
Often, people will create great ads with flashy pictures, compelling content and great resources, but, when it comes time for all that creativity to get to the point, they fail. Why? Because the promo does not have a direct call to action.
A call to action is when someone specifically asks you to do something.
If you were watching a commercial and they put a phone number up on the television and said “CALL THIS NUMBER”, that would be their call to action. They are directly asking you to call the number for the services or items being advertised.
In this instance, a call to action needs to be direct and extremely visible. (And by “extremely visible” I mean atthe top of the ad, on the bottom of the ad and anywhere else you can squeeze it to make sure nobody is confused as to what you are asking them to do.
These are all great examples of a direct call to action you might find within an ad and should be placed in plain sight on any site you are looking at publishing.
Tip #3: Keep It Fresh
Many people believe once you get the content and the links set up, an ad will pretty much take care of itself. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, any long running promotion will require constant supervision and maintenance in order to do its job well.
Can you imagine if major corporations like Coca Cola or McDonalds still used their older ad campaigns today? An ad from 1949 would look pretty simple by today’s standards.
No, these major companies have teams of people constantly working to update logos, links, images and everything else that comes with running a successful promotion and a successful business.
In the small business sector, your time commitment to this task will be much less, but just as – if not more – important.
You see, Coca Cola and McDonalds don’t need to worry about image building. We already know who they are and what they do. A smaller, growing business, however, is usually not quite so lucky and will need someone watching over their promotional campaigns on a continuous basis to make sure everything looks right and is working correctly. After all, the image of your business is at stake.
The Wrap Up
There you have it, folks. Three helpful tips to get your digital ad campaign off on the right foot.
If you’re one of the many small business owners looking to promote your product or services on the world wide web, remembering these three simple tips will surely help you on your path towards success.
P.S. If you’re looking to get your digital ad campaign up and running but still have a few questions on the first steps to take, let Rain Digital help!
Our team’s combined years of marketing experience makes setting up any promotion a simple task. Allowing you to worry about more important things, like what to do with all your free time!