How Your Small Business Can Compete with Larger Corporations

In the business world, the almighty dollar reigns supreme.
It may be a crass way of looking at the world, but that doesn’t make it any less true.
So, as a small business who might not have as many of those valuable dollars on hand as, say, a large box store or other corporate entity, what other value can you offer your client base that will help make up for your deficiencies in the financial realm?
Join us today as we look at the profitable alternative routes your small business can take to help keep your customers coming back year after year.
What Can Your Business Offer That They Cannot?
To begin, ask yourself, why do big box stores like WALMART keep putting our smaller brick and mortar stores out of business?
The answer? Because their large stature (and bank account) allows them to purchase stock in such large quantities that they are able to get impressive bulk discounts.
With prices slashed so drastically compared to what a smaller business would have to price the same stock at in order to make operation feasible, the sad truth is that small businesses are more than likely not going to be able to successfully compete with large corporate entities like this if the only method of competition is low prices.
Alright, so you can’t beat their prices… Now what?
To continue, let’s change our train of thought. Instead of thinking about what WALMART can offer that you cannot, let’s begin to ask what YOU can offer that these larger entities cannot.
Let’s make a list… What are all the things’ people dislike about shopping at a large box store (… and believe me, there are plenty!)
Too much square footage
- How many times have you groaned because you just need a gallon of milk or a thing of eggs and you know that means parking at the back of the overcrowded shopping center parking lot and trekking all the way to the back of the store only to be forced to wait in a mile long 12 items or less line full of shoppers who are in the exact same predicament? Box store’s large square footage, while to some a great opportunity for one-stop-shopping, to others, is a big turn off whose lack of convenience could be used to convince said shopper to spend an extra dollar for the same item at a smaller store just to not have to go through the hassle.
Lack of personality
- Box stores are considered cold, money driven places that put profits first and the customers second. For a business that absolutely depends on its customers for its survival, needless to say, this is not a good look. This, again, is somewhere a smaller business can offer services unavailable to their larger competitors. In a small business environment, not only can customers be greeted individually by someone who is truly glad to see them (and not a low paid retiree who’s required to say hello), but it’s entirely conceivable that, if they are a returning customer, they are remembered, perhaps by name, and greeted in such a way that truly makes them feel welcomed and part of your business’s community. Add to this the fact that your small business can afford to offer one-on-one services to customers who have questions about your products and not be forced to discuss their business needs with someone who is simply counting down until their shift is over, and you have a true recipe for strong customer relationships that are sure to result in return business when the need arises.
Lack of personal investment
- While there are several people out there that simply want to get what they need and get out, there are those shoppers out there that truly admire and appreciate what a small business means to their community and to the economy as a whole. These are the individuals who, depending on your good service, will continue to be loyal customers. When these people buy something at a box store, they feel nothing. Sure, their most basic needs are met, but what impact has their purchase had on the corporate behemoth that serviced them? NONE WHATSOEVER! Now, take a purchase at a local shop or service provider whose only location, or small chain, depends on such customers to maintain their livelihood. When someone invests in this type of business, that individual then becomes part of said business. Their purchase has allowed them to take one step closer to making their dreams come true, and that really does leave a good feeling in the hearts and minds of customers. When was the last time you left a box store with a good feeling?
What Your Small Business Can Do to Attract the RIGHT Customers
There are all types of customers out there. Some value cost over service, some value service over convenience, while, even still, some value community over corporations.
The trick, as a small business looking for just the right customers for your business, is to use a strategic marketing campaign that targets these individuals based on their needs and previous purchasing history, among other things.
Is such targeted marketing possible?
Folks, ANYTHING is possible in today’s vast digital world.
With a little help from a competent marketing team, your business can, not only create valuable ad campaigns that are sure to entice buyers in your area, but also make sure that campaign gets in front of said customers so they then have the power to act on their desires!
(If you’d like to learn more about the wonders of targeted digital marketing, then make sure to CLICK HERE!)
The Wrap Up
Do the theories in this article change the fact that the value of a dollar is a main priority to many? No.
That being said, as a small business, you don’t need ALL of your competition’s business as soon as you open your doors. As long as you can get just enough to make your business a success that continues to bring in a profit, isn’t that a great place to start?
After this, by relying on your good instincts and positive word of mouth, not to mention a strong marketing campaign that continues to drive your brand’s image forward, you’ll surely have the foundation of a solid growing business that will be around for years to come.
P.S. If you’re interested in learning how your small business could benefit from a little marketing help from our small business, then Rain Digital wants to hear from you!
Our team of skilled digital marketers have just the talents needed to help turn your small business into a major success, without allowing you to lose any of that small-business charm.
Don’t let your insecurities get in the way of your business becoming all you know it can be…
With a little help from Rain Digital, the sky truly is the limit.