Why Small Businesses Matter Now More Than Ever

Today, the world is a very loud and fast place.
… And with everyone on the go, the niceties we once took for granted seem all too often to get trampled under our constantly moving feet.
But it wasn’t always like this…
Once upon a time, the customer came first!
Used to, when someone went to the grocery store, not only would a cashier help you with your purchase, but a bag boy would sack them and take them out to your car for you!
Today, if someone runs to the store, they have to ring themselves up, bag their own groceries, provide their own bag, and carry everything out to their car themselves.
… All while paying MORE for the privilege of doing business with the store.
What happened to customer service?
What happened to one-on-one attention?
Well, believe it or not, these positive traits do still exist…
But you won’t find them by doing business with big box stores and you won’t find them by doing business with major conglomerates.
Today, they survive – and thrive – in small businesses like yours!
… And while growth can be a great thing, it’s important for us not to stray too far away from our roots.
By doing business with a small company (or a big business with a small company mentality), the customer is, in a way, transported to a time when people came first…
A time when the customer was always right….
A time of first-rate service and first-rate business, when profits were BIG and customers were HAPPY!
Folks, that time was not that long ago.
… And the memory of it lingers in your customer’s mind, returning to remind them of those better days every time they do business with a company who only cares about profits and the bottom line.
That’s where businesses like yours can make a difference.
By providing first rate service, you make yourself stand out as a company that puts the customer FIRST!
… And that’s exactly what we do here at Rain Digital.
By teaming up with our small but mighty team, you and your company will receive all the attention you deserve. You’ll receive 20th century service while utilizing 21st century methods so your business can grow where it counts.
Don’t get lost in the shuffle of a big agency. Let THIS small business support YOUR small business so we can continue to promote the values that we hold most dear to our hearts.
Here at Rain Digital, the customer STILL comes first!