
Why Your Company Should E.A.T. Google

Let’s face it, it is getting harder and harder to cut through the constant barrage of companies fighting for consumer’s attention. The average person is bombarded with over 34 gigs of information (Tech21article). So how on Earth will your company ever get through to them? The answer is complex and includes consistency, uniqueness, and awareness (which is the topic of this article).

E-A-T Google refers to one of the factors used to build a reputable score with the search engine that commands a majority of the consumer searches. In short, your website should behave much like a genuinely good person you would like to meet or befriend.

  • Expertise – This measurement is based on whether you are providing helpful or informative content. Yes, it is probably very interesting that they are rebooting the Highlander franchise with Henry Cavil, but do people care about it? Will it answer questions a majority of users are asking? Unfortunately, as much as I’m sure it will be a great movie, it would be wise to steer clear from this type of content unless you are an entertainment website. Better use of time would be an article that helps people in your industry and its consumers improve a process or a business facet.

  • Authoritativeness – Do other people talk about your ideas and perspective? Are they linking to your website as a proof point? The more people referring to your website and its information, the more your authority ranking will increase.

  • Trustworthiness – While it is important to follow the previous two elements of this article, they both fall flat if there is no trustworthiness. Promoting information that is easily debunked or disproved, is a fast way to shoot yourself in the foot. Google and other platforms are cracking down on anything that could be considered disinformation.

All of these qualities are found in being a good friend, or colleague. That being said, be a good human online and present the business in a way that would welcome strangers to become a friend…….. EAT Google.

Published By:

Jon Clayton

President, Rain Digital